Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mental Health Stigma

My awareness poster is about Mental health and the stigma associated with the illness. The 3 faces of the women show her internal struggle with mental illness. On the cracked rock I've place words (stigmas) that can come from within (the black letter) and from others (the red letters). I am hoping my awareness poster aids in breaking the stigma of mental illness; and shows the struggle of those who suffer with this sometimes debilitating illness.

"Mental health stigma is the negative attitude and discrimination that people with mental illness face from society and sometimes themselves. Stigma can cause shameisolationfear, and reluctance to seek help, which can worsen mental health problems and reduce quality of life."1
"Mental health stigma ..... can lead to stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Public awareness and literacy have increased substantially over the years, yet some entrenched stigmas persist today. "1

1. “Mental Health Stigma | Psychology Today.”,


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