Sunday, November 26, 2023

Photo retouching Pt 2



 I first cropped the image to move the focus to baby brother. Then I created a mask layer for the image.  I increased the vibrance and decreased the saturation under the adjustments panel. Also, under adjustments I used the curve selection (2 points), color balance, color selection, photo filler and vibrance to adjust photo contrast, vibrance and sharpness.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Photo retouching Pt.1

This is a picture of my baby brother. Although, he is not a baby anymore - he will always be my baby brother. We were visiting my great Aunt Vera, and we couldn't keep my brother away from the candy jar.  He was determined to open it. This picture is very dear to me because I vividly remember this moment in time and mt brother is very precious to me. I would like to crop, sharpen image and make the colors more vibrant.
This is a picture of my Grandma Helen and my cousin Edwina. This picture was given to me by my Uncle Edward (Edwina dad- of course :)).  My Grandma lived several hours from me, so I only got to see her a few times a year. She was stern but I loved her very much. This photo is precious to me because she looks relaxed and happy, it enables me to see a different side of her. My grandma passed away when I was in high school. I would like to do color correction and remove the glare from her glasses. 

This picture is during my visit with my Great Aunt Vera. I visited my aunt Vera (grandma's sister) during the summer. I really enjoyed my visit with my aunt. She gave us chores and responsibilities but when we finished there was always a fun activity! In this picture she gave us candy dots on paper - I remember being amazed that I could lick the paper. This photo is precious to me because I was very close to my aunt and passed away a few years ago. I would like to crop. sharpen the image and color correction.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Book cover design - Pt2. "One True Love"


I learned a lot and used several of tools for this project.  It was challenging but I really enjoyed the process.  I chose the faces and vase design (figure/ground) and continuation Gestalt principles. I initially tried to have the women drinking from a straw above the cup, but it was too crowed so I went with a second design.  I used the magic wand tool to remove the background, crop tool and the dropper (match colors), paint and burr tool to refinish the images.  I used the ellipse tool to draw the circles and ovals, and the rectangle tool and gradient color overlay to add color to from and back of cover.  I used the rectangle tool to and a texture option to add depth to the spine. On the back cover I created a large oval with the ellipse tool and arched the text to fit on the oval. For the front cover I wanted to show the three main characters from the novel an also showing the bitter cup (difficult choice) Emma had to drink. I crop the image of the woman and placed her between the two male images.  Depending on your perspective the woman looks like she's either in the cup or in the background.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Book cover design Pt 1

The book I chose is "One True Loves" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It's a novel about high school sweet hearts Jessie and Emma. They love each other deeply and get married. On their first wedding anniversary Jessie's helicopter disappears and he is not found. 
Emma leaves everything and goes back home to start over. In her thirty she comes across  her an old friend, Sam and Emma fall in and get engaged. During a family get together Emma received a phone called from Jesse - he is alive and has been looking for her. Emma has to make a choice between her husband or her fiance....

In my sketches I'm chose the following Gestalt rule: In the first page I used the Gestalt rule figure and ground and proximity.  In the second page I used continuation and symmetry/order. And in the third page I used continuation and invariable.


Final project- Dt designs

Click here - Dt designs After this project, I have deeper appreciation for web designers.  I really enjoyed the process once I finally under...