Thursday, December 14, 2023

Final project- Dt designs

Click here - Dt designs

After this project, I have deeper appreciation for web designers.  I really enjoyed the process once I finally understood how the wix website worked. I made my logo in photoshop by creating different text boxes and overlapping 2 different fonts and colors. I uploaded image to Wix and duplicated on each page.

I decided to go with a video for header and to animate my tag line on each paper. I added a mask to make the video look more finished and I added shadow around the edges. I used the dropper tool to select the colors for the website. I decides yo ho with soft pastel colors. That I felt were soothing.

I used the AI feature to get ideas for the written areas of the website but I personalize it to fit my vision.

I used the design and effect features for the text. I added depth and curves to projects. I also used animation for each text paragraph and project.

On the contact page I added a scroll feature for the image. So the image scrolled with the page.  I'm happy with the website it's a very powerful tool.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Final project Pt 1 sketches






I created 16 possible design sketches for portfolio website. The logo is red D overlapped by a lower-case t and the word design (Dt design). The website will be welcoming and interactive, have vibrant colors, a simple, organized design, with an easy-to-use navigation from page to page. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Photo retouching Pt 2



 I first cropped the image to move the focus to baby brother. Then I created a mask layer for the image.  I increased the vibrance and decreased the saturation under the adjustments panel. Also, under adjustments I used the curve selection (2 points), color balance, color selection, photo filler and vibrance to adjust photo contrast, vibrance and sharpness.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Photo retouching Pt.1

This is a picture of my baby brother. Although, he is not a baby anymore - he will always be my baby brother. We were visiting my great Aunt Vera, and we couldn't keep my brother away from the candy jar.  He was determined to open it. This picture is very dear to me because I vividly remember this moment in time and mt brother is very precious to me. I would like to crop, sharpen image and make the colors more vibrant.
This is a picture of my Grandma Helen and my cousin Edwina. This picture was given to me by my Uncle Edward (Edwina dad- of course :)).  My Grandma lived several hours from me, so I only got to see her a few times a year. She was stern but I loved her very much. This photo is precious to me because she looks relaxed and happy, it enables me to see a different side of her. My grandma passed away when I was in high school. I would like to do color correction and remove the glare from her glasses. 

This picture is during my visit with my Great Aunt Vera. I visited my aunt Vera (grandma's sister) during the summer. I really enjoyed my visit with my aunt. She gave us chores and responsibilities but when we finished there was always a fun activity! In this picture she gave us candy dots on paper - I remember being amazed that I could lick the paper. This photo is precious to me because I was very close to my aunt and passed away a few years ago. I would like to crop. sharpen the image and color correction.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Book cover design - Pt2. "One True Love"


I learned a lot and used several of tools for this project.  It was challenging but I really enjoyed the process.  I chose the faces and vase design (figure/ground) and continuation Gestalt principles. I initially tried to have the women drinking from a straw above the cup, but it was too crowed so I went with a second design.  I used the magic wand tool to remove the background, crop tool and the dropper (match colors), paint and burr tool to refinish the images.  I used the ellipse tool to draw the circles and ovals, and the rectangle tool and gradient color overlay to add color to from and back of cover.  I used the rectangle tool to and a texture option to add depth to the spine. On the back cover I created a large oval with the ellipse tool and arched the text to fit on the oval. For the front cover I wanted to show the three main characters from the novel an also showing the bitter cup (difficult choice) Emma had to drink. I crop the image of the woman and placed her between the two male images.  Depending on your perspective the woman looks like she's either in the cup or in the background.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Book cover design Pt 1

The book I chose is "One True Loves" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It's a novel about high school sweet hearts Jessie and Emma. They love each other deeply and get married. On their first wedding anniversary Jessie's helicopter disappears and he is not found. 
Emma leaves everything and goes back home to start over. In her thirty she comes across  her an old friend, Sam and Emma fall in and get engaged. During a family get together Emma received a phone called from Jesse - he is alive and has been looking for her. Emma has to make a choice between her husband or her fiance....

In my sketches I'm chose the following Gestalt rule: In the first page I used the Gestalt rule figure and ground and proximity.  In the second page I used continuation and symmetry/order. And in the third page I used continuation and invariable.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mental Health Stigma

My awareness poster is about Mental health and the stigma associated with the illness. The 3 faces of the women show her internal struggle with mental illness. On the cracked rock I've place words (stigmas) that can come from within (the black letter) and from others (the red letters). I am hoping my awareness poster aids in breaking the stigma of mental illness; and shows the struggle of those who suffer with this sometimes debilitating illness.

"Mental health stigma is the negative attitude and discrimination that people with mental illness face from society and sometimes themselves. Stigma can cause shameisolationfear, and reluctance to seek help, which can worsen mental health problems and reduce quality of life."1
"Mental health stigma ..... can lead to stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Public awareness and literacy have increased substantially over the years, yet some entrenched stigmas persist today. "1

1. “Mental Health Stigma | Psychology Today.”,


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Mental Health Stigma Awareness Poster Pt.1 sketches and concepts

 My goal is to bring awareness to the stigma associated with having mental illness. "Mental health stigma involves marking and discrediting people due to their differences, which can instill feelings of shame or worthlessness. Those with mental health conditions may be labeled, stereotyped, or discriminated against as a result. For example, someone with a mental health condition may be called “crazy” or “dangerous”.1
Stigma affects the mental health of persons who are already vulnerable by further instilling a sense of social isolation.2 

My concept is Mental Health Stigma. 
Concept #1:
Show a side view of a person with a spiral of mental health struggles. The page is divided into 2 by a diagonal zig zag. The word on the right asks readers to stop mental health stigma. Pick show the mental internal struggle and the separation put up by mental health stigma. Thinking of using the words "stop" or "end."

Concept #2: 
Show two brains on the left (repetition of design). the two boxes on the right display the problem (Mental health stigma) and a list of different mental health struggles. The two brains show the struggle to function with a mental illness.

Concept #3
Show a distressed/sad person sitting on the left and Mental health Stigma and a list of disorders on bottom. Stigma leads to further struggle and isolation.

Concept #4
Show side/front view (with a blurred or double image) showing how stigma exacerbates the struggle of mental illness.

Concept #5 Shows the faces of mental illness and the rejection of stigma.

Concept #6 poster is using word and no images with background of fireworks and the word stigma is blown apart.

 Concept #7 person side view with thoughts on hate and negative views to the right, the wors "Stigma" and "fear" in bold wavy font.

Concept #8 side view of person, hammer and cracked rock mound with the word stigma. 

1. How Does Stigma Affect Mental Health?
Anon Year: 2020 Container: Steve Rose, PhD URL:
2. Mental Health Stigma | Psychology Today
Anon Container: URL:

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Maternal Mortality


Maternal Mortality

I chose this topic because, I believe we are all created equal, and each person deserves to be given the same level of care, regardless of race, background, economic standing or beliefs. Childbirth is an exciting, scary and vulnerable time for families and there is no place stressors of inequality- compassion is what's needed. Health care profession take an oath to "Do no harm" when caring for patients but racism and implicit bias have become a too common. A change needs happen now, before more lives are lost senselessly.
 "Black women in the U.S. are nearly three times more likely to die during pregnancy or delivery than any other race. Her home state of Alabama has the third-highest maternal mortality rate in the nation." 1
To be Black anywhere in America is to experience higher rates of chronic ailments like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's and, most recently, COVID-19. Black Americans have less access to adequate medical care; their life expectancy is shorter. 1
From birth to death, regardless of wealth or social standing, they are far more likely to get sick and die from common ailments.
Black Americans’ health issues have long been ascribed to genetics or behavior, when in actuality, an array of circumstances linked to racism — among them, restrictions on where people could live and historical lack of access to care — play major roles. Discrimination and bias in hospital settings have been disastrous. 
The nation’s health disparities have had a tragic impact: Over the past two decades, the higher mortality rate among Black Americans resulted in 1.6 million excess deaths compared to white Americans. That higher mortality rate resulted in a cumulative loss of more than 80 million years of life due to people dying young and billions of dollars in health care and lost opportunity."1

I really enjoy learning about the functions of photoshop!  I added the mom as the center focal point facing the sun (a symbol of hope), positioned the symbol of health care and the word do no hard on dying wood form. Lastly, I positioned floating fetuses to symbolize the moms lost to this crisis. I would display my photomontage in the Lobby of health care facilities.

1. Why do so many Black women die in pregnancy? One reason: Doctors don't take them seriously.
Kat Stafford
Year: 2023 Container: AP NEWS URL:



Thursday, September 28, 2023

Possible Image Hijack

 Hi everyone,  

I gave 3 issues that are important to me:  Racial disparities and injustice, maternal mortality, and removing God from America (separate of church and state)

It is my goal to show the different levels of struggle for minorities : Lack of acknowledgement, brutality, and erasing of our past.

I worked as labor delivery nurse and a doula. Minority mothers are often judged  dismissed and are not taken seriously when difficulties arise. Which unfortunately leads to fatalities. 

Faith in God has been the foundation of America. As we move more and more away from acknowledging God,  we focus more and more on ourselves.
The starry night Vicent Vangogh
Tide ad
Uncle Sam

Final project- Dt designs

Click here - Dt designs After this project, I have deeper appreciation for web designers.  I really enjoyed the process once I finally under...